Packing the Perfect Lunch
Posted: 10.29.2015
There are many reasons to bring your lunch to work with you, if not every day, at least a few days a week. Not only is bringing a lunch cost-effective, but you’re more likely to make healthier selections when you pack your own lunch. Below are a few tips for packing the perfect lunch.
Well-Balanced Lunch Options
Lunch is a time to nourish your body, clear your mind, and get off your feet for at least 30-minutes. Bringing a lunch with you eliminates the need to travel to and from a nearby restaurant, giving you more time to relax and unwind. Just make sure the lunch you pack is well-balanced. Below are a few ideas to consider:
- A sandwich on whole grain bread, with lean protein—and loaded with veggies.
- A healthy microwavable soup or TV dinner.
- Leftovers from the night before.
- Fresh fruit and veggies.
- A salad with lean protein, nuts, seeds, and grain.
Pack Some Snacks Too
As a nurse or CNA, your job is quite physical—meaning you’ll likely find yourself in need of a snack or two to provide you with the necessary energy to get through your busy day. Even if you didn’t bring lunch from home today, make sure you bring some snacks you can enjoy during your shorter break periods. Keep a nice selection of unperishable snacks at work, so you can turn to them on busy days when your lunch break gets pushed back. A few healthy snacks to consider include:
- yogurt
- crackers with cheese or peanut butter
- veggies and hummus
- a healthy trail mix
- energy bars
Don’t Forget to Hydrate
When packing your lunch, remember hydration. While water, coffee, and tea are likely available in the break room, you may crave something more to help get you through the day. As you should limit sugar and empty calories, the beverages below are excellent options:
- coconut water
- electrolyte-filled sports beverage
- health water add-ins—such as crystal light
- all-natural pre-made smoothie or juice
- your favorite café coffee
- a specialty tea you love
Whether you’ll be working a standard 8-hour day—or a long double shift—the lunch you pack must provide you with energy to get through the remainder of your shift. Turn to the tips above to pack the right lunch, snacks, and beverages for work.