3-Ways Caregivers Can Unwind After a Busy Day at Work
Posted: 09.30.2015As CNA, Nurse, Activities Coordinator, or Senior Care Professional—you may find that some days and weeks are a bit more challenging than others. As much as you love the senior care industry, you must take the time to relax and unwind after a busy day. Consider the 3-tips below to do just that.

Do Something Purely Fun After Work
While personal obligations are sure to consume some of your post-workday, they shouldn’t consume all of your time. Even if you only have 1-hour a few days a week, or 10-minutes each day—do something purely fun either before or after work. This could be as simple as watching a few funny YouTube videos, having tea with a friend, or enjoying one of your favorite hobbies. Even if you can’t squeeze fun in right after your workday ends, make sure you fit it in somewhere.
Pamper Yourself
As a caregiver, you spend the majority of your day on your feet, engaging in many physical activities—transferring, bathing, dressing, pushing the med cart, etc. To help relieve the stress and strain—and give your body the TLC it deserves—take the time to pamper yourself. Whether you head to a spa or salon, or pamper yourself at home, consider the pampering activities below:
- mani/pedi
- steam or sauna
- hot bath or hot tub
- massage
- meditation
- spending time in nature
- getting your hair cut, colored, or restyled
- indulging in a treat you don’t normally enjoy—sweet treat, luxury body products, or aromatherapy
Another way to help your body relax and unwind is with healthy life choices that keep you feeling your best. Indulging in sweet treats and comfort foods from time to time is ok, but you’ll be at your best when you make your health a priority. After all, you spend all day encouraging your seniors to make healthy life choices, so make sure you practice what you preach by:
- eating a well-balanced diet.
- stretching and exercising regularly.
- staying properly hydrated.
- getting a good night’s sleep.
- maintaining regular health physicals and checkups.
- paying attention to any changes in your body.
If you’re a caregiver who has let your “me” time fall by the wayside, turn to the tips above to reestablish balance in your life.