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SeniorCare.Jobs:  Effective HR Practices In Senior Care Facility
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Effective HR Practices In Senior Care Facility

Posted: 08.13.2015

Whether your employee turnover is higher than you like or you’re searching for new HR practices for your senior care facility—consider improvement in the following areas.

Promote From Within

There must always be a balance between internal development and the recruitment of new talent to bring in fresh perspective. That said, you must set a clear goal for the percentage of positions you intend to fill from within. Next, establish clear career paths, within each department, designed to support this goal. When your team sees that you value internal growth, they’ll see your facility as a place they can grow.

Invest In Ongoing Training

Recurrent training must be top of mind, but you also need a clear schedule for ongoing training and development within each department. For example, over the last several months, many healthcare facilities have invested in additional training for the upcoming ICD-10 transition. This means not only training for in-house job duties, but also for industry-wide skills.

Prioritize Health Technology To Improve Retention Rates

Burnout is one of the leading causes of employee turnover in senior care facilities. For this reason, HR has to keep technology top of mind—particularly technology designed to streamline job duties and create more efficient and effective patient care. This goes beyond software and must include exploring advances in mHealth diagnostic, treatment, monitoring, and record-keeping. This will not only decrease burnout, but can improve the quality of care for the seniors in your facility.

Actively Recruit At All Times

Great talent is probably already gainfully employed. Establish contacts with local schools who offer degrees in the positions you need filled. Also consider offering internships that will allow you to evaluate talent before filling a more permanent position. Offer a referral bonus for your employees, who are sure to know quality senior care professionals. Last but not least, encourage activities and events that will provide valuable networking opportunities with other senior care professionals.

By establishing effective HR practices, you can cultivate a solid team of dedicated senior care employees.

Published by: SeniorCare.Jobs Editorial Team
Author: Joanne Silatei
Date: 8/13/2015

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