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SeniorCare.Jobs:  Insights For Senior Care Operators Expanding In China
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Insights For Senior Care Operators Expanding In China

Posted: 07.06.2015

Across the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia, a large number of senior care operators and investors have identified opportunities to expand into China. The combination of China’s rural-to-urban migration, an emerging middle class with discretionary income, and a rapidly aging society all point towards what should be a compelling opportunity for these foreign companies to expand into China. Yet many have run into a number of strategic and tactical challenges that have led several to either prematurely exit the market or to misunderstand how to localize their western services for the Chinese market.

From late 2014 through the spring of 2015, we reached out to the key executives and investors at the largest senior care and home healthcare organizations in China, with a focus on those that already had, or very soon would have, facilities and delivery capacity open and available for the Chinese consumer to purchase. The research identified an estimated 26 billion yuan (approximately $4.33 billion) worth of investment and 1,052,630 square meters of senior living space. From these interviews, which covered roughly 50 unique senior living sites across the country, a number of key insights emerged, of which four follow:

Today, many Chinese regulators are accommodating more loosely defined services for senior care and healthcare during the registration and licensing process than what has been allowed in previous regimes. This reflects the current attitude at the highest levels of China’s central government around the encouragement of foreign investment into these sectors; however, other sectors of the Chinese economy, ranging from telecom to manufacturing, are seeing regulators begin to crack down on their actual approved scope of services and what they have been doing within their business for years. Today’s lax attitude towards Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) should not be confused with how regulators are likely to view the scope of services a foreign company is approved for in the mid-to-long term. Shortcuts around scope of services, and getting a commercial license that accommodates certain healthcare services absent a formal Ministry of Health (MOH) approval, should be seen as having a very finite shelf life.

Much of the independent living capacity being built by domestic Chinese developers has been built with the same sort of rationale that has driven the country’s real estate market for the last several decades. In practice, what has continued to happen in China is that local Chinese municipalities, under duress to balance between their reliance on land sales to fund government activities, are alsounder pressure from the central government in Beijing to not over-inflate the real estate sector. This means local municipalities are now requiring Chinese real estate developers to commit to build senior care capacity as part of many parcels of land moved from the state’s ownership to the private sector. This creates a perverse incentive for Chinese developers to build senior care not because they have made a strategic decision to build senior housing, but rather because senior housing allows them to get land they could not otherwise. Most Chinese developers who do this still plan on developing the land they receive in similar ways as they would have a decade ago, with minimal attention and resources deployed specific to senior housing. This means that a lot of lifestyle or “health and wellness” capacity will be coming on-line in this sector, even if the market for these sort of facilities remains unproven and consumer response thus far continues to be well below expectations.

Because Chinese real estate developers have traditionally sought to exit their developments shortly after final build out and occupancy, their mindset is not always well aligned with the commercial models that have been found to work between senior care developers and operators in the west.This is not to say that every real estate developer in China is guilty of this, but rather that foreign senior care operators have expended significant energies attempting to cultivate relationships with Chinese developers, only to find the Chinese developer does not want to engage in the sort of mid-to-long term relationship that has been proven to work in the west. This is also not to suggest that other partnership structures between Chinese holding companies, property managers, and senior care operators will not ultimately emerge. It is to state that foreign senior care operators continue to struggle with aligning their time horizonand commercial models with the expectations of the largest Chinese real estate developers.

§ It is essential to understand how Chinese real estate developers have made money over the last several decades: rapid development, short-term ownership, fast exits, and rapid escalation of any real estate assets they retain on their balance sheets. During one particular on-site interview in Beijing, conducted at a senior care facility the Chinese government has officially given a “five star” license to, the manager stated that their view of how to make money with this facility was different from western practices. Specifically, the Chinese owner-operator stated that even if they lose money on operations, that is O.K., simply because they make money from the appreciation of the real estate asset. As an example based on this exchange, if this facility lost 1 million yuan on operations in a given year, but saw a 25% appreciation in the value of its land (valued at 100 million yuan), the owner-operator viewed this as a success. From their point of view, this 25% appreciation resulted in an additional 25 million yuan on their balance sheet, of which 50% could be leveraged through a local Chinese bank. Yes, they lost money on operations, but they could still pocket 12.5 million yuan in “profit” in one year. Is this sustainable? This is a question to be asked relative to the price escalation of China’s real estate market in general over the last twenty years; however, assuming it is at a minimum not sustainable, this will ultimately turn Chinese owner-operators towards questions around how to charge enough to actually make money on operations of senior care facilities as well as alternative ownership and fee models.

Today’s challenges are not unusual for new markets in China, and these concerns are not on their own cause to be bearish on the overall market opportunity. While a number of the facilities weprofiled are not yet profitable, and are taking longer to reachacceptable occupancy levels, these problems are not unusual given senior living is a new product set to the Chinese consumer. The gradual process of revising market entry strategies is common as China opens a new sector to foreign investment.  Healthcare in general will embody this process of gradual adjustments, as will senior care specifically. The question is how many western operators have the capital and patience necessary to take best practices from the west and transition them into the Chinese market. China’s demographics are a certainty; whether western companies can take advantage of these is not.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminshobert/2015/07/06/insights-for-senior-care-operators-expanding-in-china/
Author: Benjamin Shobert, Contributor to Forbes
 7/06/2015 @ 6:15PM

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